8323204241 8323204241

Chocolate Dipped Oreos with Chocolate Drizzle Delivered

One Dozen (12) Double Stuf Oreo Cookies
Mar 25, 2026

Product Description

Best SellerGourmet Chocolate Dipped Oreos with Chocolate Drizzle delivered and shipped nationwide. These awesome treats are great for almost any occasion from a cool snack to weddings, parties or whatever. These are one of our most popular treats and we have shipped them to all 50 states. Each of these Double Stuft Oreos are hand dipped and then drizzled with your choice of chocolate type. Your Oreos are only dipped after you order them, we will never send you product that has sat around in a freezer or a shelf, this way we can assure you that you will only receive the highest quality of product.

Head Baker Cassia with a large order of OreosWhat makes these the perfect sweet treat? These cookies combine the perfect inner dense part of the cookie that gives you a great base to sink your chocolate loving teeth into, and then creaminess of the gourmet chocolate that we dip them in combined with the soft crème core of the cookies gives you the ultimate chocolate cookie. Once you try a Double Stuf Oreos dipped in chocolate you will never be able to eat a regular one again. It's a life altering difference. Because we make these fresh we always recommend shipping them overnight, but they will be still fresh if shipped 1-3 day via mail.

If you are needing a large order of these please feel free to give us a call at the phone number at the top of this website, or you can use the email form on the contact us page. We would like to work closely with you on your bulk order purchase to make sure that it arrives on time, whether it's one location or hundreds. We also offer discounts for orders over a certain amount.

Product Details

  • Default Quantity: 12 (one dozen) Double Stuf Oreos
  • Default Weight: 1 pound (16 oz.)
  • Packaging: To maintain freshness each cookie is individually wrapped and then set inside of a bakery box.
Item #: 8323204241

Chocolate Dipped Oreos with Chocolate Drizzle Delivered has a rating of 5.0 stars based on 1 reviews.