164449125 164449125

Peach Upside Down Cake Delivered

10" Upside Down Cake (Serves 8-10 people)
Mar 23, 2026

Product Description

Best SellerWe can have our Peach Upside Down Cake Delivered to your front door, or the front door of your loved one. Each of our cakes are made only after you place your order, this way we can assure you that your cake will be as fresh as possible when it's delivered.

Each of our cakes are made from scratch using an old family recipe and only the finest ingredients that can be found. Each of our upside down cakes are baked in a cast iron skillet to golden perfection.

If you need to purchase a bulk order of these cakes please feel free to give us a call, we would love to speak to you about your large order.

Product Details

  • Default Cake Size: 10" (inches across)
  • Default Cake Shape: Round
  • Weight of Cake (approximately): 3lbs. (48 oz.)
  • Cake Feeds: 8-10 people
  • This cake is air sealed and then additional padding is added. This basic packaging lasts up to 3 weeks in the mail, 1.5 months in the refrigerator and 6-8 months in the freezer without majorly altering the original consistency or taste.
  • Cast iron skillet is not included.
  • If your product arrives and it appears to be dry we recommend cutting out a slice and microwaving for about 30 seconds and then top it with your favorite ice cream or even whipped cream. We suggest evening having a nice cup of coffee, milk or tea along with it. Enjoy every minute of life to it's fullest.
  • HEAT WARNING: If you do not purchase cold packs during times of high temperatures, we can not be held responsible for how your cake looks when it arrives as it may shift.
Item #: 164449125

Peach Upside Down Cake Delivered has a rating of 5.0 stars based on 5 reviews.